Tugboat Willie
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Tug Clipper
Just In Case

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This sequence was taken by the Chief Mate on a tanker, which was broke down about 300 miles due east of Cape Henry, Va. We ventured out to tow the ship back to port, but barely made it back ourselves. The ship eventually sailed in under its own power. It was one of the few times at sea that I actually feared for my life. I literally had to be strapped to the console in the wheelhouse to steer the tug back to port.  

clipperrough3.JPG (62741 bytes)This picture and the following were taken off the New Jersey coast in Feb. of 1995. We were pushing a loaded oil barge from Philadelphia to Boston. The barge is at times completely underwater in winds that were gusting up to 50 and 60 kts. with a steady 40kt. gale. I took these pictures leaning out the wheelhouse window in between rolls.

clipperrough1.JPG (37989 bytes)Heroically, Ron, Jim, and Bullet went out on deck to close some hatches that had come loose. They timed the seas and clung to pipes so they would not get washed overboard. Needless to say, this is not an occupation for the "non-robust".


clipperrough2.JPG (37738 bytes)Someone once told me they saw Jesus in this picture.






clipperrrough4.JPG (51790 bytes) This is what we call "bluewater", primarily because, well, because it's blue. The deck at this point is totally covered by water, notice the pipes and the railings that are no longer visible.