Bill Magellan
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More Sea Pictures
Even More Sea Pictures
Still More Sea Pictures
Just In Case

moses.JPG (30983 bytes)   My first few days at sea in 1978, somewhere in the Atlantic doing my "Moses" impression. I would spend many more countless nights giving "free" concerts, lectures, and sermons to the fish and the stars.



Sea_drink.JPG (35863 bytes)     Of course, learning how to "drink 'till you puke" was a necessary skill for a young seaman.




me bow.JPG (51852 bytes)Days like this made it all worth while. Taking a break on the bow somewhere off Baja, (I think), that's me on the far left with the camera.




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My favorite thing in the whole wide world to photograph were the porpoises playing on the bow of the ship. A living symbol of ultimate freedom. If there is reincarnation, this would be the reward for an extremely well-lived life as a human.