Below is a picture of the band I played in in high school. We were called
"Moontears" and I am standing in the upper left. This was taken in 1977.
Moontears_alantis.rm Recorded in 1977 by the band. Richard wails with
an awesome guitar solo.
Does the word "punk" come to mind? Yes, that was
Alice Cooper I was trying to imitate.

There was a time when I actually thought this was a good picture
of me. Look at those glasses and the hair! I think this was taken in 1977 at the Neptune
Festival in Va. Beach, Va.
Playing in somebody's
garage or porch was standard procedure on the weekends back then, depending on whose
parents were unfortunate enough to be the designated host. After a while, we had to rent a
storage room to practice in, but we eventually got kicked out of it too.
Richard tuning his guitar with the piano. He taught me most of
what I know on guitar. The best player I have ever known in person.

Richard and I sharing a pre-performance
Andy, giving the bass a whirl, (he actually played the drums).

Scott and Andy taking a break between
Scott and Andy were 16 and I was 17, yet we played
in after-hours clubs all night long and then head off
to school as the sun came up.