Bill Clapton
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High School Days
Those Weird Years Right After High School

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Below is a picture of the band I played in in high school. We were called "Moontears" and I am standing in the upper left. This was taken in 1977.

 Moontears_alantis.rm     Recorded in 1977 by the band. Richard wails with
                                          an awesome guitar solo.

band_pic.JPG (22135 bytes)      bill_cooper.JPG (31104 bytes) Does the word "punk" come  to mind? Yes, that was Alice Cooper I was trying to imitate.

  Me_neptune.JPG (53222 bytes)There was a time when I actually thought this was a good picture of me. Look at those glasses and the hair! I think this was taken in 1977 at the Neptune Festival in Va. Beach, Va.


porch_jam.JPG (20722 bytes)Playing in somebody's garage or porch was standard procedure on the weekends back then, depending on whose parents were unfortunate enough to be the designated host. After a while, we had to rent a storage room to practice in, but we eventually got kicked out of it too.


richard.JPG (24456 bytes) Richard tuning his guitar with the piano. He taught me most of what I know on guitar. The best player I have ever known in person.

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me_richard.JPG (16320 bytes) Richard and I sharing a pre-performance laugh.





andy.JPG (28544 bytes) Andy, giving the bass a whirl, (he actually played the drums).




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Scott and Andy taking a break between sets.
Scott and Andy were 16 and I was 17, yet we played
in after-hours clubs all night long and then head off
to school as the sun came up.

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