Here are pictures from my, (and others'),
high school days.
The many faces and personas of Peter.
Peter would go into a trance when he
played drums. Forget talking to him until he finished.
"Wheats" Hear Peter make fun of the way I talk, and his unmistakable laugh; just click on the link:
Cary, blew into town during our junior year playing guitar like nothing we had ever heard before. He was a creative genius who could pick the guitar up and compose something totally original within minutes. Peter, Cary, and I formed the backbone of a band and wrote all our own music. We never even bothered learning songs by other artists, that was just not point. We played totally for the sake of creating something new. Cary would get us backstage passes at concerts where we rubbed elbows with Stanley Clarke and Chick Corea. He always seemed to have incredible connections when it came to big name fusion-jazz artists. Cary and myself once jammed all night long with Roy Buchannan at the Holiday Inn Scope, something I will never forget. Cary just vanished in our senior year. He was from L.A. and I suspect he is still in California. I hope he is doing well. This is a clip of Peter, Cary, Calvin, and myself jamming in my parents living room. The pets were running for their lives and my grandmother was for sure that Satan had paid a visit directly to our house. Cary plays one of his torching solos.
...doooo......." Billy and Robert. Anne Owens, Bob's mother. She always
welcomed all of Bob's friends and was like a second mom to me. She is surely missed. |