The Clipper in the notch of the Ocean 192 at the dock in
Bucksport, Me.

On watch in the wheelhouse of the Clipper, heading up the coast
pushing the Ocean 192, which was loaded with gasoline bound for Boston.

Lining up to transit the Chelsea Street Bridge
in Boston. There was about 1 foot to spare on each side of the barge. This operation
required tremendous teamwork between Ron, Jim, and I. They stood on each side of the bow
and relayed how close were getting by radio. In reality, successful transits of this
bridge depended more on the abilities of the men on the bow than the man in the
wheelhouse. When the barge was not loaded, the bridge could not be seen. In that case,
their expertise was crucial. I am to proud to say we never so much as scratched the paint.

Outbound from Boston, "stringing the barge out".

Towing the Ocean 192 back down the coast after discharging cargo
in Boston. You can just see the tow cable at the bottom of the picture.

The Clipper out of the notch of the barge
after returning from a trip down the coast. Notice the ice on the bow and the railings.